“Second birth” – as noted by the result of the operation about the syndrome of “wet palms” (palmar hyperhidrosis) 45-year-old Nicholas. The operation – both thoracoscopic sympathectomy of excessive sweating of palms and inguinal areas has been successfully conducted this week in the medical center “Estel”. This week the team of surgeons and anesthesiologists of the clinic performed such an operation for the first time and that is important. The patient was discharged from the clinic with dry and warm hands. This condition was evaluated by Nikolay as a second birth, as the previous condition of excessive sweating of the palms prevented both work and satisfaction among his family and others. So far, all the conservative methods of treatment (such as botox, atropine, deodorants, etc.) have not provided any effect. “I regret that I have not been operated before …” – Nikolay said.
Surgical Clinic Medical Center Estel – Surgery of Beauty:
surgeon Dvorakevich Andriy
surgeon Victor Sashchin
tel .: +380983142264 – Viber, WhatsUp, Telegram.
Lviv, 54, Lipinsky St.
Дворакевич Андрій Орестович
Сащин Віктор Володимирович