Doctor – dermatologist – cosmetologist
My philosophy: Our body is a half of our soul, and beauty and healthy skin – its ornament. I chose this kind of profession not accidentally, because to bring joy to people, to help them to recover, to get rid of defects of the appearance, to add self-confidence – it is almost the greatest pleasure, isn’t it?
2000 – Graduated from the State Medical University named after Danylo Halytsky.
2000-2001 – I have passed an internship on the basis of the Lviv regional skins of a vendipartener on a specialty dermatovenereologist.
2001-2007 – Worked as a dermatologist-dermatologist at LOGRP.
2003-2007 – After undergoing an internship on the basis of a cosmetology clinic in Kyiv, I worked as a dermatologist in the Estel clinic for part-time work.
2007-2010 – Due to the move to Kiev, she worked at the official representative office of the cosmetic brand ATACHE (Spain) as a practicing dermatologist and practicing classes for cosmetologists.
2010 – the medical center private clinic “Estel” – dermatovenereologist.
2003 – courses of internship and raising qualification in the “Institute of Beauty” for the removal of neoplasms (Kyiv)
2005 – Certified training on mesotherapy and contouring plastics (CJSC “Institute of Beauty”, Kyiv)
2006, 2011, 2016 – Advanced training courses on the basis of the Department of Dermatovenereology, LSUU.
2005-2016 gg. – Permanent participant of the international congress on applied aesthetics and cosmetology (Kiev), as well as training on leading brands of cosmetology and preparations for contouring plastics, mesotherapy, peeling, mastered the skills of modern hardware cosmetology.